Liv.52, Himalaya Wellness, 60 Tabs
- Capparis spinosa (Caper Bush) - Known as a potent hepatoprotective agent. It supports liver detoxification, reduces inflammation, and protects liver cells from damage. It may also improve digestion and stimulate bile production.
- Cichorium intybus (Chicory) - Traditionally used to support liver health. It enhances bile production, improves digestion, and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Chicory contains antioxidants that protect liver cells from oxidative stress.
- Mandur Bhasma (Iron Ash in Ayurvedic Medicine) - Improves hemoglobin levels and aids in the regeneration of liver cells. It is commonly used in Ayurveda for treating anemia, jaundice, and liver disorders.
- Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna) - Beyond its cardioprotective benefits, Arjuna supports liver function by detoxifying liver cells and improving blood circulation through the organ.
- Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) - Helps regulate digestion, stimulates bile secretion, and assists in the elimination of toxins. Yarrow also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for an inflamed liver.
- Cassia occidentalis - Known for its hepatoprotective properties. It aids in toxin elimination, protects liver cells from damage, and helps regulate liver functions.
- Tamarix gallica (Tamarisk) - Commonly used to support liver and blood health. It promotes liver cell regeneration and aids in detoxification.
This blend of herbs provides comprehensive liver support by stimulating bile secretion, enhancing detoxification, and protecting liver cells from damage. It is suitable for individuals with overburdened livers, fatty liver disease, or exposure to toxins (e.g., medications or alcohol).
Ingredients:Capparis spinosa (Каперси), Cichorium intybus (Цикория), Mandur Bhasma , Terminalia arjuna (Арджуна), Achillea millefilium (Бял равнец), Cassia occidentalis, Tamarix gallica (Тамарикс)
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Много съм доволна от продукта,направо е супер.Имам стеатоза или омазняване на черния дроб при редовната употреба на Лив52 омазняването се стопи.
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Лив. 52 е най-добрият продукт за черен дроб.
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