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Home Food Supplements Food Supplements General Health Shilajit Mumio, 60 capsules x 250 mg


Shilajit Mumio, 60 capsules x 250 mg

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Price: 10.62лв.
List Price: 12.49лв.
Discount: 1.87лв. (15.00%)
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Shilajit is one of many herb and mineral formulations system that originated thousands of years ago in Indiuseda. Shin ilajit has been used in Ayurveda, a healing traditional herbal medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions. It contains an important compound known as fulvic acid and is rich in minerals.
Shilajit, a blackish-brownish resin, comes from layers of rock found in several mountains mountain ranges worldwide, including the Himalayan, Tibetan, and Altai.

Shilajit is certainly a great Rasayana of nature containing 85 essential minerals and fulvic acid that help the human body rejuvenate from the inside. Shilajit raises immunity, relieves symptoms of anxiety, burns off excess fat, and eases inflammatory conditions. Shilajit, a herbomineral compound, contains ample amounts of fulvic acid and mineral constituents. The fulvic acid stimulates blood formation, energy production, and prevents cold exposure and hypoxia. It actively takes part in the transportation of nutrients into deep tissues and helps to overcome 'tiredness, lethargy, and chronic fatigue. It also works effectively as a tonic for cardiac, gastric, and nervous systems. adaptogen and antistress agent.

In view of these properties. Shilajit can be used as a supplement to overcome high¬altitude-related problems. Shilajit contains active organic molecules such as fulvic acid along with minerals (in their ionic forms). The fulvic acid helps in the transportation of these minerals into cells for maintaining and restoring their electrical potency, which prevents their decay and death. Shilajit helps in metabolism and promotes energy production in the body.
It maintains an equilibrium of catabolism and anabolism, enhances the absorptive and detoxifying capacity of the body, and stimulates the immune system in the body.
Although this herb is natural and safe. 
Shilajit standardized to contain enough % of fulvic acid is because of removal of all contaminants and unwanted minerals and heavy metals. Shilajit capsules provided by us is in pure form containing purified water extract, safe and do not contain any microbes like bacteria, fungus and other toxic chemical and heavy metals. 




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  • Buy Shilajit Mumio, 60 capsules x 250 mg or other a product from our Promo Selection to get 15% discount.
  • Shilajit has been extracted using modern technology to retain its purity to be effective.
  • There are clinical trials to ascertain the efficacy of Shilajit. 
  • Ayurvedic product


Each capsule contains: purified extract Shilajit (Black asphalatum) with 2.5% Fulvic Acid; preservative used: sodium benzoate

  • Ingredients:
    Екстракт пречистен Шилажит (Мумийо) s 2.5% фулвинова киселина; Други съставки: двуосновен калциев фосфат, микрокристална целулоза (пълнители), натриев бензоат (консервант), магнезиев стеарат (лубрикант), талк, аерози (антислепващи агенти)

by Himalaya Bulgaria, 08 Nov 2024

Нашият Шилажит е пречистен екстракт с 2.5% Фулвинова киселина. Това е причината да е на прах и да няма миризма.

by Анатоли, 06 Nov 2024

Защо в капсулите на Шиладжита няма смола ,а някакъв прах с друга миризма???

by Стефан Тарлев, 06 Nov 2024

by Marin Deshev, 26 Aug 2024

by Михаела Христова, 09 Mar 2024

Чудесни продукти! Ефикасни, с грижа за здравето, на достъпна цена. Разнообразие от продукти за всяка система и орган в нашето тяло. Поздравления! Благодаря!

by Иванка Тодорова, 08 Mar 2024

by Александър Златев, 02 Dec 2023

Новите аюрведични пасти за зъби са великолепни. Благодаря!

by Мирослав Обр., 26 Sep 2023

Качествен продукт на добра цена. Доволен съм.

by Евгений К., 10 Sep 2023

За втори път поръчвам и съм изключително доволен от продуктите на Хималая.

by Hristov Nikolay, 09 Sep 2023

by Юлия Лазарова, 09 Sep 2023

by Павел Н., 08 Sep 2023

Един от продуктите липсваше първоначално в доставката, но беше отреагирано бързо. Сърдечни поздрави на целия ви екип!

by Георги Б. , 24 Aug 2023

Brza usluga, otlichno opakovano. parvi pat gi polzvam Vashite produkti i otcenka za kachestvo shte moga da dam sled 2-3 sedmici. pozdravi Georgi

by Александър Златев, 22 Aug 2023

by Лора Гецова, 15 Aug 2023

Харесвам маските, пастата за зъби и сапуните. За хранителните добавки все още е рано да дам мнение. Когато имам такова ще пиша.

by Иванка Тодорова, 07 Aug 2023

by Александър Златев, 03 Aug 2023

Благодаря за прекрасните продукти. Бих се радвал като многогодишен клиент да ползвам и допълнителна отстъпка.

by Юлия Лазарова, 06 Jul 2023

by Даниела Павлова, 03 Jul 2023

Ползвам продуктите от вашия сайт от годни и считам, че те са в отлична пропорция между цена и качество!!! Благодаря че ви има и че се грижите за нас!!! Даниела Павлова



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